Gay xxx game

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Hardcoded is well-written, and it has a great pixel-art adventure game look. (The rest are being added in patches thanks to Patreon (opens in new tab) backers, who get the latest build.) You can also just wander around the city, busting up surveillance droids for valuable scrap, talking to people, and, yeah, having quite a lot of sex. Where does the sex come in? Well, that mystery being investigated is that everyone in the city has become inexplicably horny.Įach day you choose whether to pursue the main plot or one of your new friends, several of whom are romanceable. You fall in with a friendly group who are investigating a mystery that might be the fault of an evil corporation's experiments, because this is cyberpunk after all. It's a cyberpunk dystopia and you're a semi-organic robot on the run.

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